Page 30 - The Constructor 2017
P. 30

The Company

       Always one to make the most of any situation, Henry joined the Royal Signals and was posted to
       Malaysia.  He enjoyed his time there, preferring to spend his spare time with local people rather than
       staying in the barracks.  Also, always keen to learn; Henry would pick up words and phrases,
       whenever he had the chance and he continued to learn languages throughout his long life.
       After returning from Malaysia, his brother George invited Henry and
       Millie, (their mother) to join him in London and Henry applied for a job
       with the established wall paper and textile firm Sanderson.  It was there
       that he began to hone many of his design, drawing and illustration
       skills and exquisite model making.  From Sanderson’s he spread his
       wings and began to work on a wide range of projects with Beverly Pick,
       Charles Hammond and Terence Conran, to name but a few.  He applied
       his talents to all areas of design; exhibition display, furniture,
       (developing early innovative flat pack prototypes) table of the year for
       Heals, interiors, for domestic homes, ships, caravans, restaurants,
       hotels, banks and even Regent street decorations over several years.
       He worked on numerous illustrations and magazine articles including
       work for “House and Garden”, “Interiors”, “Light and Lighting” and,
       perhaps more surprisingly “The Thunderbirds Annual”.
       It was in 1954 that Henry met architect Lilian Stephenson at a private party being held for him by
       “House and Garden” in Mayfair.   Henry described how he was playing the piano, and heard Lilian’s’
       beautiful voice as she entered the room. Captivated by her; he changed the tune as she approached
       and began to play Tommy Dorsey’s “Lovely lady, I’m falling in love with you…”.  They chatted; and
       romance blossomed.  Later as Lilian was getting ready to leave with a male friend, Henry saw her
       getting her coat, and determined to take her home himself; abruptly slammed down the piano lid
       and said, “Party’s over!” then turning to Lilian; “I’d like to take you home”.   This was the beginning of
       a passionate lifelong romance of 62 years, intertwining all aspects of their lives together, career,
       family and friends.
                                         Henry and Lilian married on his 27  birthday in 1955
                                         at Chelsea Town Hall.  Their first daughter, Merrilyn
                                         was born in 1956 and in 1964 their second daughter,
                                         Madelaine, was born.
                                         Henry and Lilian's written observations established
                                         them as pioneers in avant garde thinking. They wrote
                                         many research papers on new technology and their
                                         books were often seen as revolutionary. For
                                         example, 'Interior Design', published in 1960,
       introduced the concept of flat-pack furniture, while 1963's 'Exterior Design' argued for past and
       future designs that were flexible enough to adapt to future social and planning needs.   Early
       commissions included the design of the logo/branding for the Londis chain of stores and the 1960
       street decorations for the Nigerian independence celebrations in Lagos.  Henry even won “Table of
       the Year” for one of his designs for Heals.
       As their reputation grew Henry and Lilian began to be invited to give special lectures at Polytechnic
       of the South Bank (PSB) (then the Brixton School of Building) as visiting practitioners.  This was the

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