Page 30 - The Constructor A5V24 V1
P. 30

The Company

        Aeternum Vale
        We lost a number of our long standing members since printing issue 4 of the New Constructor
        and we will miss their fellowship, wise counsel and presence in the coming months and years.
        We remember them and our thoughts are with their friends and families.
        Thomas B Skinner died on 18 December 2014.  He was admitted as an Honorary Freeman in
        December 1995 having previously been our Beadle for many years.
        Kenneth S A Davis ARIBA (Emeritus) died on 12 May 2015.  He was the Chief Architect of the
        Littlewoods Group and Master of the Worshipful Company of Constructors in 1990/91.  He was
        admitted to the Company in June 1978.
        Philip Everett was a retired quantity surveyor who passed away in June 2014.  He was Master
        in 1996/7 having been admitted in May 1978.  At the Companions Lunch in July 2014 his
        widow, Mary, presented a Loving Cup to the Company in his memory.
        Patrick Maloy died in December 2013.  He was a long-standing and active member of the
        Company and took Livery on his retirement in February 2008.
        John F S Pryke was the Chairman of Pynford’s, his family firm, and was Master in 1986/7.  He
        was also our Honorary Treasurer for a number of years.  He was admitted in October 1978 and
        granted Livery in July 1990 when the Company was granted Livery status.
        David Hutchison MBE died at the age of 78 in August 2015, following a long illness.  An
        Architect by profession, he had been a Senior Partner in Hutchinson Locke and Monk (HLM) and
        was Master in 1999/2000 having been admitted in 1977, before the Company became

        Company Merchandise
                                           The Company has regalia for sale as follows:
                                           Ties                    £15 each
                                           Silk Scarves            £12 each
                                           New design Cufflinks   £20 a pair
                                           Wall Shield             £38 each

                                           Freedom Medal           £75 each
                                           Livery Medal            £83 each
                                           All available from the Clerk.

                                              (postage will be added to each order)

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