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WCC Scholarship News

The Worshipful Company of Constructors is proud to announce the Scholars for 2021.  They are:

Sir Ian Dixon Scholarship –  Claire Mullane (Chief Engineer) and Jamie Tong (Apprentice Building Services Engineer), both at Sir Robert McAlpine Ltd

Sustainability ScholarshipMegan Haslam (Façade Manager at Sir Robert McAlpine Ltd0 and Martha Godina (Structural Engineer at Elliott Wood)

The International Research Award has been awarded to Jenny George (Sustainability Consultant at Brantones Ltd)


The Company is also pleased to announce that the presentations by their Sir Ian Dixon and Sustainability scholars for 2020 will, this year, take place on-line.  The presentations will take the form of “Zoominars” as follows:

Sir Ian Dixon Scholarship – Thursday 10 February at 6pm.

Mackenzie Thompson will be presenting on her research title: ‘A Building for the Builders, what is the Value of the Welfare Facility?’
Eugene Healy will be presenting on his research title: ‘How Designers can Best Support the Construction Industry to Efficiently and Effectively Design and Deliver the Best Value Outcomes for Infrastructure Clients.’

The link to register for this event is

The Sustainability Scholarship – Thursday 24 February at 6pm

Alex Roberts will be presenting on his research title: ‘How can the Construction Sector be a Catalyst for Net Zero Carbon? A Focus on the Clients.’
Safak Muslu will be presenting on his research title: ‘A Designer Toolkit for Implementing Circular Economy Principles to UK Infrastructure.’

 The link to register for this event is

 The Worshipful Company of Constructors has issued a Press Release, which can be downloaded here, and gives more detail on each of the presentations and the scholars for 2021.

We look forward to welcoming you and your guests to these two insightful presentations, and hope that you’ll be able to join us from the comfort of your own homes via Zoom.

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