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Allied Organisations

The Worshipful Company of Constructors works closely with several other organisations to influence the 21st Century construction industry.  We are particularly pleased to support Livery Schools Link, the Considerate Constructors Scheme, Livery Climate Action Group and the Construction Liveries Group, all of whom further our objectives within the industry.

Forum for the Built Environment

The Worshipful Company of Constructors and Forum for the Built Environment have entered an affiliation to promote ties between the two organisations in furtherance of our shared objective to build a better built environment and positively impact the communities in which the industry operates. The relationship will provide a forum to discuss the issues the sector faces and explore solutions, as well as create networking and mentoring opportunities for the next generation of construction professionals. The two organisations have a shared past, dating back to the 1970s, when members of the Faculty of Building’s (now known as Forum for the Built Environment) London Chapter decided to apply for Livery Status with the City of London Corporation, becoming the Worshipful Company of Constructors. To find out more click here or visit FBE’s website.

The Considerate Constructors Scheme

The Company is a proud supporter of the Considerate Constuctors Scheme, which is a non-profit-making, independent organisation founded in 1997 by the construction industry to improve its image.  The scheme is concerned about any area of construction activity that may have a direct or indirect impact on the image of the industry as a whole. When we first supported the scheme the Master said “With many of our aims and objectives so closely aligned with those of the Considerate Constructors Scheme we are extremely pleased to be a Scheme Supporter as we want the image of responsible construction to be spread widely throughout the UK.  We pride ourselves in being totally committed to equality of opportunity for all irrespective of race, colour, gender or sexual orientation.”

Livery Climate Action Group

The Company is a founder member of the Livery Climate Action Group (LCAG), which was formed in 2021 to assist City of London Livery Companies and Guilds to manage their impact on climate change and the environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and making responsible use of resources. The Group facilitates mutual self-help for Livery Companies and Guilds to grow their knowledge and expertise in the practical measures they can take towards a sustainable, adaptable and resilient future. This will allow them in turn to influence and encourage their associated professions and trades in the City and beyond.

Livery Schools Link

The Worshipful Company of Constructors is very pleased that it is part of the first tranche of Livery Companies taking part in the Livery Schools Link Volunteering Platform.  This technology driven concept is enabling teachers and schools to make requests for volunteers that can be fulfilled by Freemen and Liverymen drawn from Livery Companies. Livery Schools Link is a voluntary organisation that aims to promote support for schools in the Greater London area by Livery Companies of the City of London and their members, helping to prepare young people for the world of work.  They seek to act as the link between schools in need of help and members of the Livery who wish to offer assistance in any form. The mission of Livery Schools Link is to assist children from less advantaged backgrounds to receive an enhanced educational experience at school and to have their personal aspirations raised, thereby increasing their employability and career options.

Construction Liveries Group

The Construction Liveries Group (CLG) was established in 1988 to provide a pan-livery forum for all construction related Livery Companies to:

  • exchange ideas and disseminate and coordinate initiatives directed at the raising of vocational, educational and craft training standards and the recognition of construction skills and qualifications.
  • maintain and enhance the profile of the Construction Liveries Group within the City to ensure that the skills and expertise of the Construction Industry (both traditional and modern) is fully understood within the City.
  • maintain strong links with the Construction Youth Trust including encouraging the support of schemes such as the “Budding Brunels” Scheme.
  • maintain strong links with the Livery Companies’ Skills Council and the Livery Schools Link.

The CLG is formed with the Livery Companies Skills Council (LCSC) and works closely with the City & Guilds Institute and the Construction Youth Trust.  The CLG also developed the Master Certificate Scheme that is now awarded annually. The Chair of the group is Past Master Tony Ward, to whom any enquiries should be made.

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