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As a City livery company, and one of over 100 livery companies in the City today, the Worshipful Company of Constructors aims to improve and safeguard the skills of the construction industry and to support the Lord Mayor and the City of London.


We aim to improve and safeguard the skills of our industry, and to take care of representatives and their dependants in times of need. This solemn promise to our Company and community is summarised in The Master’s address to new members:

“The ancient watchwords of the city are fellowship, relief and truth. The purpose of all ancient City livery companies was to support the Church, dispense alms to the needy and supervise and regulate the practice of their skill. You will be required to prove your zeal by a regular attendance at our functions and services of worship, together with regular support to our charities.”

We are one of over 100 livery companies in the City of London today. Our survival is achieved by doing what we’ve always done: fostering our trade in a wider context, serving our Church, and supporting our City.


Our mission is defined by the Three Cs:

City – We support the Lord Mayor and the City of London – both in the governance of the city, and its ancient traditions. The Livery is the electorate of senior civic offices, such as the Lord Mayor, the Sheriffs and the City of London Corporation, all of which are elected annually at Common Hall in Guildhall. All Liverymen are encouraged to exercise this right.

Charity – Charity has long been the mainstay of a livery company. Giving something back to the industry and society that has nurtured us is an important part of being a Freeman or Liveryman. On joining the Company, we encourage members to support our charitable giving and to give regularly to our Charitable Trust.

Church – Worship has traditionally been important to livery companies. The Company church is St. Lawrence Jewry next to Guildhall. This Guild Church is also the official Corporation of London church, and the Company hold two services there annually. However, these days, members are free to follow their own faith, or none.



The Company is extremely proud of its achievements in the field of Scholarship and supporting apprentices within the construction industry. We recognise excellence and achievements by both individuals and teams at colleges and in higher education. We also support awards for our military affiliations with the Royal Navy, the Army, the Royal Air Force and one of the cadet companies.


If you would like to find out more about the company please email

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