The Shrieval Election Lunch
Following the Shrieval Elections on Monday, 25th June, lunch was held at Painter Stainers’ Hall, which was filled to the brim by the representatives and guests of several Livery Companies, including a contingent of 13 members of the Worshipful Company of Constructors and their guests.
We were pleased to be joined by the Non-Aldermanic Sheriff Elect, Liz Green, who is pictured here with the Master Constructor, Tony Ward.
The “other” Tony Ward, the Master Painter-Stainer, was our host at a most sumptuous lunch.
Our Tony Ward was asked to give the reply on behalf of the guests – which went something like this:
Here we’re all gathered at this Shrieval time, It’s our pleasure once more with the Painter Stainers to dine,
Vincent and Liz were elected today, We wish them both well on their Shrieval way,
To Richard and Gwen we offer our thanks, A campaign well fought, but now back to the ranks,
As for today, we’re quite a large bunch, I see some new faces, we hope you’ve had a good lunch,
There are Masons and Blacksmiths, and Woolmen too, Upholders and Horners to name but a few,
Then came Playing Card Makers, it rhymes better that way, The Fan Makers as well, it’s in ‘Order’ they say,
Now, it’s the Modern Companies, it’s they who come next, Now I’m struggling for words that keep up with the text!
The Scientific Instrument Makers at Number 84, They vie with the Builders Merchants at another plus 4!
Now the Environmental Cleaners at Number 97, They’re just in single figures, and think there in heaven!
We are the Constructors at Number 99, We’re now just coming right into our prime,
The ManagementConsultants, they’re good and alive, And weighing in at one hundred and five,
Those Educators, they’re at one ‘O’nine, And not just here, to drink and to dine,
Now, our host’s are the most ancient, and good fellows too, Their Master’s pinched my name, and caused a bit of a stew,
We’re around on the circuit as if we were twins, We’re like the two Ronnie’s, but they were the kings,
….but……..we are, you see, the two Tony Wards, It’s not quite unique, but it confuses the hoards,
Now I’d like to propose one lasting toast, ‘To The Painter Stainers, for being our Hosts’
I now ask you to rise, in honour of them, and hope that they’ll be inviting us again,
‘The Painter Stainers, may they flourish ‘root and branch forever’ coupled with that famous name of the Master!’
(And it’s goodbye from me……..and goodbye from him!)