What does Climate Action mean to us – Part 3 of 3: What can we do about it – a call to arms
Dear Fellow Constructors
What does Climate Action mean to us – Part 3 of 3: What can we do about it – a call to arms
We can all sense that, even with the current global geo-politics, a significant and positive shift is already happening in our industry, it has been for some time, and it’s most welcome. But are we maximizing the opportunity available and are we going fast enough? Do we agree that perhaps we might benefit from a more joined up purpose around sustainability here, and a more robust network of likeminded individuals, organisations and even sectors who only want to drive improvements for the better? Maybe the modern Livery movement can have a significant part to play in this. We believe it can, that’s why we formed this Committee, and why it’s set to grow exponentially.
We certainly think we need an overarching and better understood picture of social, climate, and biodiversity challenges in all our hearts and minds, so that no matter what role we have, all are enabled and empowered to do our bit towards sustainability. Fortunately, we do have such a framework. In 2015 the United Nations created the Sustainable Development Goals. 17 clear and unambiguous aspirations that cover all the environmental, social and governance (ESG) challenges we need to address. Signed off by basically every country in the world, and to be achieved by 2030, we all absolutely need to embrace them, and weave them into the way we live, work, think and act.
But like safety, perhaps we don’t have to fix everything, how could we, but we could do our bit to contribute and help fix something. We could influence, we could lead, we could encourage, we could participate, we could communicate. And really that’s all we need to do. But we need to do it now and we need to do it together.
Of course, we need members to want to participate, to join in with our Climate Action Committee and its emerging subgroups, but at this time all we ask that you as members start to think about how you can help, how you can become involved and who in your network needs to join the Constructors to be a part of this.
As Chair of the Constructors Climate Action Committee, I commit to strive to make this endeavor something that the Construction and Built Environment sector will be proud of. We’re already involved in a number of related industry initiatives and working groups, and as part of this Committee we will be looking for opportunities to bring these networks together, to achieve some of the common goals mentioned above. We will equip our members with whatever we need to access knowledge, contacts networks, industry initiatives or even just useful guidance on sustainability at home!
We want to create an active and enjoyable sustainability group within the Company that enables and empowers all members to get involved and to contribute as much or as little as they are able, and at whatever level they are comfortable with. And to be clear, this is not about having vast technical knowledge on the subject. Think of this as a large complex project. We need many roles and specialisms. It will be our role to ensure our members are in the positions that are right for them.
Please do get in touch with climateaction@constructorscompany.co.uk if you want to find out more, get involved, and be part of something that is genuinely Making Sustainability Real.
With Very Best Regards
Martin Gettings and the Climate Action Committee
The Worshipful Company of Constructors