Construction Industry training with a difference..
Here at leading construction industry competition Teambuild, our mission is to enhance collaboration and leadership skills among new industry professionals in a variety of disciplines. Now, as we ease out of lockdown, it seems those skills have never been more important. Click here to find out more about Teambuild or email us at admin@teambuilduk.com. You can also follow us on social media.
Members of the Worshipful Company of Constructors will know that the Company strongly supports the Teambuild organisation, which was founded by one of eminent Past Masters, Richard Rooley, so it was with great regret that we learnt from the organisers that they had decided to cancel Teambuild for 2020. The formal announcement read:
“Due to the disruption to the construction industry which has been caused by the COVID-19 lockdown, the next Teambuild event will take place from Friday 19th November 2021 to Sunday 21st November 2021.
Meanwhile, throughout 2020, Teambuild will continue to provide valuable news, information and resources to fulfil our goal of developing multi-disciplinary collaboration and building valuable skills to support the future success of the construction industry.
As well as insights and commentary from some of our highly regarded former judges and participants, we will also be providing online worksheets and tips adapted from training exercises which competition participants have found incredibly useful.
If you are interested in our receiving helpful articles and training resources from leading lights in the construction industry, or if you would like to support or collaborate with Teambuild please click here to sign up to our newsletter.”
In the meantime, however, the Teambuild organisation is committed to furthering the knowledge of the members of the construction industry, and is holding a series of on-line seminars and training sessions, one of which is entitled “FREE WORKSHOP: PROCUREMENT AND RISK”, and have issued the following on their website: “In 2014 TeamBuild was delighted to be given permission to base that year’s competition on a major Land Securities scheme to add an extra 1400 to 1600 m2 GFA to three existing buildings at 10, 20 and 30 Eastbourne Terrace, adjacent to Paddington Station. Click here to see more about this project.
Procurement and Risk was clearly going to be a major issue on such a complex undertaking.
We prepared the following Stage 3 question for teams to answer in 2 hours following which two team members presented their findings in role play presentations to the client’s Audit committee.
Stage 3 – Procurement / Risk
The Head of the Client’s Audit Committee is reviewing Procurement and Risk procedures on all of their major projects as part of an internal assurance review following an analysis of previous projects that identified serious failings with the procurement process and risk management procedures.
Prepare a presentation for the Committee to give them assurance that this project will be better managed in terms of Procurement and Risk and demonstrate:
1. The overall procurement strategy and process for bringing onboard each member of the Project Team and the timeframe for procurement mapped along the project timeline.
2. How you propose to offset risk to each party and to the project.
You should consider:
- The variety of contractual arrangements for their appointment – pros and cons
- Programme for procurement
- Risk Management Strategy / Risk Register
- Maintaining Audit Committee’s confidence throughout project.
Send us your response to this question and we will give you feedback! – and you can also earn CPD hours!”