WCC Sailing Event
The 5th Annual Constructors Sailing Event took place on the 26th and 27th July 2018.
This was the first time that the event had been extended to two days and the weather was a most pleasant change from the squalls that predominated during last year’s sailing event as we were still in the grips of the early summer heatwave. (behind the camera – Junior Warden – David Sheehan)
The beautiful weather and favourable tides were perfect for a memorable sail from Portsmouth across the Solent to Yarmouth on the Isle of Wight where six intrepid Constructors (Tony Ward, Arthur Seymour, David Sheehan, Graeme Monteith, John Wilson and Tony Rimoldi) stayed overnight and dined in the Conservatory of the nearby George Hotel. (behind the camera – Tony Ward – Master)
The sail back the following day was light in wind but with a great camaraderie the team pulled the sails and sheets for an enjoyable sail back to the Marina in Portsmouth.
Yet another successful Company Sailing Day.