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The Worshipful Company of Constructors respond to the City of London’s cry to “Save the Planet”.

In February the Lord Mayor of London, William Russell, hosted the inter-livery, Climate Action Seminar. This was very well attended and posed some thought provoking questions, all of which were basically, what is the COL going to do about saving the Square Mile and by inference help the world to achieve the same goal, i.e. Survival.

The COL Climate Action Strategy can be found here.

As you will have seen a great deal of time and effort has already been spent, quite literally, on getting this policy to where it is today but most important is that it is being financed. As you would expect, probably the biggest threat that mankind has ever experienced, deserves the highest of investments. This is not always the case though and it is reassuring that the COL are acting rather than talking in their attempt to become an exemplar for other cities around the world. As a result of this seminar, Alderman Alison Gowman sent out this document.

As a result of this I decided to approach the Master and fellow Wardens to see what their views were. It soon became apparent that we all saw this as a great threat to our planet and we pledged to do what we can to be at the forefront of the COL initiative. Being Constructors we are in a pretty unique position amongst the Livery Companies in being at the coal-face of one of the most influential industries in regard to sustainability. At our inaugural meeting we invited Freeman Martin Gettings and Past Master and Chair of the Inter-Livery Group, Victoria Russell to attend. Both had been present at the seminar.

Martin is a very knowledgeable professional and his role as director of Sustainability for Canary Wharf Group, fitted perfectly with our goals. He produced some documents which could form the basis of a City of London Inter-Livery Sustainability Charter. These documents were shared with Alderman Alison Gowman, who was very impressed, and as a result she has invited Martin to be part of her Charter Working Party.

The documents supplied by Martin can be found here:

The formation of the WCoC Climate Action Group has progressed rapidly and within 6 weeks of inaugural thoughts we are pleased to say that the Committee is now in place. Under the Chairmanship of Martin Gettings, we have assembled a fantastic set of professionals who have all pledged to work towards the common goal. As well as Martin being on a working party we have nominated Junior Court Assistant, Paul Singh, to become the “hired-gun” of Alison Gowman. Let’s hope she makes a wise choice! We have a good profile within the Livery and this can be another chance to impress upon the “older” companies that we are around. It is our intention to get as many voices onto the working parties as possible and to work with, for and alongside the actions of the COL.

This is something that will loom ever larger in all of our lives, so whether it be in support of this, your actions within your organisation or simply within your own household, buckle-up it will be a roller coaster of a ride.

Terry Withers

Middle Warden.

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