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Festive Lunch 2019

Festive Lunch 2019

The Worshipful Company of Constructors 2019 annual Festive Lunch was held in the splendid surroundings of Ironmongers' Hall on 2 December 2019. In total, 44 members and their guests sat down to lunch, with many opting for the festive favourite…

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Lord Mayor’s Show 2019

As usual, the Worshipful Company of Constructors were not only represented in the parade of the Lord Mayor's Show, but several of our number met outside St Mary le Bow Church to witness the parade pass by. For once, the…

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City Of London Police Museum

City of London Police Museum

On 25th September several stalwarts of the day-time visit fraternity (not surprisingly, mostly retired) were able to enjoy an informative tour of the City of London Police Museum, which has recently been moved from Wood Street Police Station to the Guildhall…

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The Master reaches Charity Goal

This year's Charity Banquet was held in the famous Long Room at Lord's Cricket Ground on 19th September, with Mark Ramprakash as our Guest of Honour. At the Banquet the Master, Michael Parrett was able to announce, with a little help…

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Golf Day 2019

Golf Day 2019

This year the Worshipful Company of Constructors Annual Golf Day was again held at Croham Hurst Golf Club (near Croydon).  It was held on the sunny afternoon of Thursday, the 18th July and was, as usual, excellently organised by PM Alan Longhurst. Some 25…

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Imperial War Museum

Imperial War Museum

A warm evening on 2nd July saw fifteen of us assembling outside the Imperial War Museum (IWM) for an out-of-hours guided tour of their First World War exhibition. The First World War gallery  proved to be both fascinating and thought provoking, looking at…

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Sir Christopher Wren Banquet

Sir Christopher Wren Banquet

The Sir Christopher Wren Banquet is the culmination of the Company Year, and this year's banquet was no exception. It was held on Thursday, 6th June 2019 in the august surroundings of Fishmongers' Hall.   The guests at the banquet were…

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Thames Cruise

Thames Cruise

A fine evening on 24 May saw a small band of Constructors and their guests venture onto the River Thames for a cruise both up and down river from Tower Pier.  We enjoyed both drinks and canapés aboard the boat and the…

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