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The Worshipful Company of Constructors Joins the Third Annual Cask Race at Guildhall Yard!

The Worshipful Company of Constructors Joins the Third Annual Cask Race at Guildhall Yard!

On Saturday, June 8th, The Worshipful Company of Constructors enthusiastically participated in the Third Annual Cask Race, hosted by The Worshipful Company of Coopers at the historic Guildhall Yard. This vibrant event, held at a venue rich with London’s Roman heritage, brought together 21 teams competing for the coveted trophy.

In the spirit of community and generosity, all proceeds from the event supported the Charity of the Coopers Company. The Constructors proudly fielded two teams—the Senior Constructors and the Apprenticeship Constructors—raising £240.00 for the noble cause.

The day began with an official opening by the Lord Mayor Michael Mainelli and Lady Mayoress, adding a touch of ceremonial grandeur to the festivities.

The Worshipful Company of Constructors extends heartfelt thanks to all participants and contributors. Your enthusiasm and generosity made the event enjoyable and significantly supported the Coopers Company’s charitable initiatives.


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