Teambuild 2018
This year’s Teambuild event took place at the end of November 2018 is now in its 26th year. The growing success of Teambuild is without doubt due to its unique result-driven and accelerated CPD-accredited training format and the unparalleled opportunity that it offers to both companies and their younger staff. The judges included PM Patricia Newton, PM Richard Rooley and Liveryman Clinton Leeks. The Worshipful Company of Constructors sponsored the prize for the winning team.
This years winning team was “Consilio”, who were commended for their professionalism, enthusiasm and team-working skills. The team is pictured on the left and was made up of six young professionals from BDP and Mace. The members of the team were Alice Galvin, Jon Hall, Rodolfo Leon, Christina McHugh, Gergana Popova (all from BDP) and Marcel Peeperkorn (from Mace).
The prize was awarded by Patricia Newton on behalf of the Worshipful Company of Constructors as the Master was unable to attend due to illness.
Patricia Newton – a 2018 Judge and TeambuildUK trustee said “Although it was a close fought competition the judges were unanimous in awarding Consilio the Teambuild Constructors’ Award for their professional and ingenious solutions to the challenging problems set”.
The Procurement, Contract and Risk prize, which was awarded by the Worshipful Company of Chartered Architects was presented by their Master, Barry Munday, to Aedifico, a team from Buro Happold Engineering and Cartwright Pickard.
An individual prize for Leadership was awarded by the LCCI Commercial Education Trust to Marcel Peeperkorn, a project manager from Mace.
The site and project for this year’s competition was kindly provided by St Edward Homes, a residential led mixed-use development at Green Park Village, located to the west of the urban area of Reading.
For many years this event has been master-minded by PM Richard Rooley, but after 26 years he has now relinquished his post as Chair to PM Patricia Newton and will become Teambuild President. Without Richard’s enthusiasm and input Teambuild would not be the great success that it is.