The Future of Construction
The Worshipful Company of Constructors were kindly invited by Freeman Julie Camp to sponsor Silver Shemmings Ash’s conference looking at “The Future of Construction” which was held on Thursday 12th September 2019 at the Leonardo Royal Hotel near Tower Hill; a complete sell-out attracting 220 construction professionals from 116 different companies.
The actual conference was very well received with seven 30-minute sessions probing topics such as “The Future of Dispute Resolution” and asking some of the industry’s most topical and relevant questions such as “Is the Construction Industry ready for BIM?”. The sessions were rounded up at the end with the highly informative “Ask the Expert Panel” slot which brought a lot of debate and some useful take-away points.
The knowledge gained from the highly respected Barristers, Partners and Lawyers conducting the presentations would have been invaluable for anyone’s personal and professional growth.
Ample coffee and tea served during the breakout provided the perfect opportunity to showcase the WCC with our stand primely located in the Sponsors’ area of the venue. We certainly took advantage of this and, thanks to Freeman Diana Chrouch, we were armed with two newly designed and ultra-modern banners, together with innovative folding leaflets expertly crafted to help potential new members find out more about our core values. In tandem with Diana, Freeman Shade Abdul, Court Assistant Michael Rigden and Liveryman Paul Singh were also in attendance and spoke to a number of interested professionals with varying existing knowledge of the WCC (and the Livery Companies in general) about our current influence in the industry and our drive to become even greater.
The conversations were centred on the benefits of joining from both a professional and personal perspective and the enthusiasm on the day was well evidenced by the numerous emails and phone numbers collected. By understanding outsiders’ perceptions of the company and their motivations (and apprehensions) for joining, it was a success with issues flowing straight from the discussions into the WCC’s strategic planning.
Sponsoring this conference was undoubtably a success for the WCC not just in attracting new members but also in increasing awareness of the company and livery in general. It certainly illustrates the need for us to increase participation in these types of high-profile events so we urge all members to bring these types of events to the WCC’s attention.
Thanks to Freeman Julie Camp we were able to be at “The Future of Construction” and with other members’ help the WCC can epitomise, lead and influence the actual future of construction.