(Member of the Worshipful Company of Constructors)
Our Intent.
We are committed to safeguarding the privacy of our Members. The Company will only use the information that we collect about you lawfully and in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 (The Act).
Changes to Data Protection Legislation.
Data protection legislation and the Act is currently going through a period of change. The introduction of the EU General data Protection Regulation(GDPR) and the new British Data Protection Bill, which will replace the act and is currently passing through Parliament is the basis of this change. This Privacy Notice is therefore intended to comply with the Act and GDPR but may change over time.
The Data Controller.
The Worshipful Company of Constructors (to be known as The Constructors) are from a legal perspective classed as the “Data Controller”.
Data Protection Officer(DPO).
The Constructors DPO is The Clerk. The DPO fulfills a number of roles, one of which is to be the primary and independent point of contact for data protection matters. The formal mechanism for members to raise concerns regarding the processing of personal data is primarily to e mail: or send a letter by registered mail to: 5 Delft Close, Locks Heath, Southampton, which point the inquiry will be actioned by the DPO. However verbal enquiries from guests will be treated appropriately, although a written follow up should be sent.
Purpose of Processing Personal Data.
We collect personal data primarily to support and advance our industry, trade and profession, support the City of London & the Lord Mayor and raise money and support charitable and educational works.
Lawful Basis of Processing Personal Data – Consent.
The lawful basis of processing your personal data is Consent. Once you have agreed to this privacy Notice you will be registered for the processing of your personal data, based upon your consent.
Categories of Personal Data Processed.
The information we hold should be accurate and up to date. The personal information which we hold will be held securely in accordance with our internal data protection and security policies. The type or categories of personal data we will collect about you includes your:
Name, Postal Address, E Mail Address, Land and Mobile Telephone numbers, Qualifications, Partners name and appropriate other information.
If you apply for further roles or appointments within the Company, we may request further information and retain additional records.
Equally minutes of meetings and records of decisions may include your name and other information about you.
Category of Recipients of Personal Data.
Your name and contact details will be primarily only be used internally within the Company and in conjunction with other stakeholders involved in Dinners, lunches and other functions.
Transfer of Personal Data Outside the EEA(European Economic Area).
Personal Data will not be transferred outside the EEA.
Sensitive Personal Data.
We will never collect sensitive personal data about you without your explicit consent and clear explanation why it is required.
Spouse/Partner & Children Personal Data.
We will hold the name of your Spouse/Partner and it will be printed in the yearbook unless you or your Spouse/Partner wish this to be excluded in which case we will abide by your wishes. We will not hold details of children unless they become members in their own right.
Sale or Passing of Personal Data to Third Parties.
We will not sell or pass your personal data to any commercial or charitable organization.
Retention of Personal Data.
We will retain your personal data as follows:
Information Held Under Consent.
Whilst you are a member of the Company. Upon leaving we will request your consent to continuing to hold your name and relevant details in support of out historical and archived records.
Data Subject’s Rights.
Under the Act and in even more so under the GPDR you have a number of Rights which are detailed below:
Right of Access.
You are entitled to access your personal data and requested to assist us by informing us of any changes to that data so that we can maintain up to date accurate records. To obtain details of what we hold you should do so through the mechanism of a subject Access request (SAR) and you have the right to obtain:
Conformation that your data is being processed(held), Access to your personal data (a copy)
Fees & Timings.
This information will be provided without charge, without delay and within one month.
Identify Verification.
To protect your personal data The Clerk will seek to verify your identity before releasing any information, which will normally be in electronic format. As a member this will normally be a simple process, however if the SAR is made from a member living overseas, a former member or by the relative of a deceased member, then additional verification steps may be required.
Right of Erasure.
You may request the deletion or removal of personal data where there is no compelling reason for its continued processing (if for instance you resign from the Company). The Right to Erasure does not provide an absolute “right to be forgotten” as your data may form part of the Company archives. However it will end all routine processing.