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Construction Industry training with a difference.. Here at leading construction industry competition Teambuild, our mission is to enhance collaboration and leadership skills among new industry professionals in a variety of disciplines.  Now, as we ease out of lockdown, it seems…

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Museum of London – Covid-19

The Clerk has received the following from the Museum of London, and wishes to share it with all members and followers of the Company; "Dear Mr Tyrrell, I hope that you, and all at the Worshipful Company of Constructors, remain…

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HMS Lancaster

Members will be aware that we have a close association with HMS Lancaster, the Queen's Frigate, and that HMS Lancaster has been undergoing a major re-fit during recent years.  HMS Lancaster is now emerging from the re-fit process, and is…

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Civic Arrangements 2020

Civic Arrangements 2020

Customarily, the Privileges Committee of Aldermen would, at this time of year, be turning its attention to appraising Aldermen for progression to high office in future years. However, in these unprecedented times following the outbreak of COVID-19, its focus is…

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Our new Almoner

Following the recent sad demise of our long-serving Almoner, Michèl Burrell, the Master and Wardens are very pleased to announce that Liveryman and Steward, Cheryl Moreton has agreed to take over this important role within the Company. The word “Almoner”…

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Covid-19 Pandemic

The Worshipful Company of Constructors is very mindful of the current situation and, like many other City organisations, is cancelling or deferring many of its events and meetings.  The details are contained in the Master's latest letter to Members, which…

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