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Statement by Middle Warden, Terry Withers, on the formation of the WCC Climate Action Group

“I would also like to congratulate our Sustainability Scholars, Safak and Alex on their fascinating presentations, both of which lead me into a brief introduction of what the Constuctor’s Livery are doing to help achieve social, economic and environmental sustainability.

As Constructors we are currently forming a Climate Action Group. A number of meetings have been held with the Master and Wardens and a couple of select guests to identify what our position should be and how we should implement this. 

The City of London has already invested a great deal of money in this issue and created its own Climate Action Strategy. We therefore see no point in trying to re-invent the wheel and are proposing an Inter Livery Sustainability Charter in support of the aforesaid City Of London Climate Action Strategy. Preliminary talks have been held with Alderman Alison Bowman who is in the process of setting up some working groups.

We are uniquely positioned to be a leading authority in her quest to make London a world exemplar for cities trying to achieve these goals.

We will be contacting all members in the next week to ask for specialist volunteers to put themselves forward for consideration as WCC Climate Action Group committee members. These volunteers need to be specialists in one or more of the following areas, financial investment, property or education, preferably with a career in it. Our Climate Action Group will then endeavour to help Alison fill the working places in her groups.

These are frightening but also exhilarating times as we try to salvage our planet, if you are a member who is passionate, get involved early, as these people usually have more of a say.

The closing date for applications will be Wednesday 10th March via email to the Gallant Clerk.”

Terry Withers 
Middle Warden

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