CIOB Webinars
The author (Sorella Smith) of the recent WCC scholarship paper on the use of “Blockchains in the Construction Industry” will be presenting a live CIOB Webinar at 2.30pm next Thursday, 11 July 2019.
Please use https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7977163967453495819?source=Dot+mailer to register your interest in taking part in the webinar.
If you are unable to take part in the live broadcast then her recorded webinar as well as that by the other scholar (Laura Burke) will available on the CIOB Academy website at https://www.ciobacademy.org/cpd/. Laura’s webinar is already available on the Portal, and Sorella’s will be after her live broadcast.
All members are entitled to register on the Portal (click on Register and enter the required details) and both webinar recordings will be available without charge (ignore the suggestion that you may have to “Purchase” access).
pdf copies of both presentations are available on the WCC website at http://constructorscompany.org.uk/events/sustainability-presentations/.