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WCC Freeman Gains WINTRADEWEEK Award

WCC Freeman gains WINTRADEWEEK award

Freeman Diana Chrouch (second from the left above), who, as a member of our Membership Committee is leading the work that their diversity sub-committee is undertaking, has been "Highly Commended" by WINTRADEWEEK in their recent awards ceremony.  The WINTRADE "Women of Excellence" award, which…

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CIOB Webinars

CIOB Webinars

The  author  (Sorella Smith) of the recent WCC scholarship paper on the use of "Blockchains in the Construction Industry" will be presenting a live CIOB Webinar at 2.30pm next Thursday, 11 July 2019. Please use to register your interest in taking…

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Women of Waterproofing at SCW Banquet

Georgia Burbridge and Rachel Munro, both of Delta Membranes, a company who proudly sponsor the Worshipful Company of Constructors, have set up a "Women of Waterproofing (WoW)" networking group, and on 6 June 2019 they were pleased to be the Master's guests…

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Honorary Membership

The Worshipful Company of Constructors, with its high profile both in the City and the Construction Industry, has recently been pleased to award Honorary Membership of the Company to three people, all distinguished in their fields. The first was Ms Frances Moffett…

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Sir James Wates

Sir James Wates, the Chairman of the Wates Group, is an Honorary Member of the Company, and the Master is pleased to pass on both his congratulations, and those of the Company, to Sir James, who was appointed a Knight…

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Hong Kong Weekend – Caption Competition

During the recent Master's Weekend in Hong Kong the Master (Mike Parrett) and Middle Warden (Arthur Seymour) toured the Ladies Market in Mongkok.  Whilst there, they clearly found something amusing, and your task is to complete the "bubbles" in the photograph. …

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“Jaco” – The Real Thing

“Jaco” – the real thing

“ The Immediate Past Master Tony Ward finally met up with Jaco, the bionic arm that he raised £30,000.00 for in his Masters Year..... Tony and Jan were invited as special guests to Treloar’s College on the 7th of March,…

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Master Certificate Scheme

Master Certificate Scheme

On the 11th March, Alec Curtis and Max Cotterill of Hudson Stonework, the stonemasons at Hereford Cathedral, attended The Master Certificate Awards Ceremony at Carpenters' Hall in London to receive their Worshipful Company of Constructors Journeyman and Apprentice Certificates from the Lord Mayor Alderman Peter Estlin and…

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