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Women in the Livery

There is a new, and most interesting, paper from Erica Stary, the Past Master Tax Adviser, Past Master Plumber and Upper Warden Elect of the Tin Plate Workers alias Wire Workers, the subject of which is "Women in the Livery and High Civic Office…

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The Worshipful Company of Fire Fighters (WCoFF) are very conscious that the Company’s Annual Fire Lecture planning arrangements for 2020 were cancelled for obvious reasons. However, the Fire Lecture is an integral part of the Company’s Aims and Objectives and…

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Cart Marking Ceremony

Vintage Car Display and Concours d’Elégance - Saturday 10th July, 2021 Cart Marking is a very special day in the City of London’s calendar. It is the second largest event that the City holds when all eras of Commercial Vehicles come…

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Gresham College

Gresham College

Gresham College is continuing to run lectures online in February: among our highlights are the Lord Mayor's lecture on 1 Feb and Professor Chris Whitty's lecture on Vaccination on 10 Feb.  You can sign up for any events (all free)…

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Construction Youth Trust

Construction Youth Trust

The Construction Youth Trust seeks to work with schools to develop young people and develop their career potential.  It is looking for volunteers from the Livery to take part in various training sessions, and the upcoming sessions are: Upcoming sessions…

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Catherine Ennis

Catherine Ennis

Many members of the Company will probably not recognise the name of Catherine Ennis.  However, she has for thirty-five years been the organist at our Guild Church of St Lawrence Jewry, so whilst you may not recognise the name, you…

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