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Master’s SkyDive For Treloar’s

Master’s SkyDive for Treloar’s

On 19th September The Master, Tony Ward, will jump from an aircraft at 13,000 feet to mark the culmination of his personal challenge to raise £39,000 for Lord Mayor Treloar's College in his adopted county of Hampshire.  Needless to say,…

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Common Hall 25 June 2018

The City of London Common Hall meeting ("The Hustings") was held on 25 June in the historic Guildhall. Some 1200 liverymen of the several Livery Companies attended to elect the Sheriffs for 2018-2019 as well as the Bridge Masters, Ale Conners and Auditors.…

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The Ironbridge Weekend

The Master writes . . . Hard on the heels of the Sir Christopher Wren Banquet, came the traditional Ironbridge Weekend, where the entirety of the Livery Masters and their Consorts meet up at the Cradle of the Industrial Revolution. This…

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The Royal Garden Party

The Master writes . . . On 31st May the Master and Mistress were in attendance at Buckingham Palace for the Royal Garden Party. The weather was kind, but with Company brolly in hand, and sporting the new "Informal" tie,…

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Sir Christopher Wren Banquet

Sir Christopher Wren Banquet

By kind permission of The Lord Mayor, our Sir Christopher Wren Banquet was held on 7 June 2018 in the Egyptian Room of the Mansion House, the home of the Lord Mayor of London. Over 200 were present to celebrate with our partners',…

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Inter-Livery Clay Pigeon Shoot

Inter-Livery Clay Pigeon Shoot

The Worshipful Company of Constructors was again represented at the annual Inter-Livery Clay Pigeon Shoot, which was held at the Holland and Holland Shooting Ground on 16th May. Team Captain, Henry Lamb and fellow Court Assistant Iain Meek were this…

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Master’s Weekend In Bath

Master’s Weekend in Bath

The Master's Weekend 2018 was held in the beautiful City of Bath. The Master, Tony Ward, together with the Mistress, Jan Ward, organised a most splendid and varied programme of events, many of which were held in parallel to accommodate…

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Members Awarded Freedom Of The City

Members Awarded Freedom of the City

Freemen Lydia Walpole and Robert Ingram are siblings who received their Freedom of the City of London on 23rd  April.  Unusually, the Freedom of the City of London was conferred in a joint ceremony.  Lydia was formerly Past Master Dr…

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Visit to BRE

On 12th April the Master, together with twenty-one Members and their guests were very fortunate to be hosted for the day by BRE at Garston, courtesy of Liveryman Deborah Pullen, a Director of BRE.   On arrival we assembled in…

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